Dr. Jesse Teng
ABO Certified Orthodontist
abo badge JT Orthodontics in El Paso, TX


Discover Your True Smile

State-of-the-art SureSmile digital technology gives you faster and better-quality treatment than traditional orthodontic treatment.

Treating Smiles Differently

Unlike traditional treatment, with archwires bent by hand, SureSmile utilizes robotic technology to bend a shape-memory alloy archwire specifically to your prescribed treatment. This delivers the gentle forces to your teeth necessary to move them directly to where they should be, leaving you with a happier, healthier smile in a shorter time than traditional orthodontics.

The shape-memory wire is inserted into your brackets and activated by your body head. The custom bends in the wire have the treatment plan embedded in them, letting the wire “remember” your treatment plan.

SureSmile archwires do not actually move your teeth any faster than conventional wires do. The movements are simply more precise. There is, therefore, no risk of damaging your teeth due to faster movements.

West Side

East Side